Terms Of Service
Terms Of Service

Last updated January 10, 2023

Principal Agreement, T&C’s wehave.io – Only for businesses

Welcome to wehave, a data collaboration platform designed to empower business through efficient and secure data sharing and analysis. Our platform facilitates the collaboration of first-party data between businesses, providing insights and enabling targeted advertising strategies. By using our services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions, which are intended to ensure a reliable, secure, and compliant environment for all users.

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of our platform and services. We encourage you to read them carefully and understand your rights and responsibilities as a user of wehave.

Article 1 – Definitions
Article 1 – Definitions

For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, the following terms are defined as follows:

  1. wehave/We/Us:  Kattestraat 26  2890 Puurs-Sint-Amands  Ondernemingsnummer 0795.870.053  Belgium

  2. Data Collaboration: The process of sharing and analyzing data between businesses using our platform.    

    • Our platform enables users to collaborate on first-party data for the generation of insights and audiences, particularly for advertising purposes and measurement. This collaboration allows businesses to leverage shared data for mutually beneficial outcomes.  

  3. First Party Data: Data collected by Users directly about their customers.

  4. Data Activation: The use of data for targeted advertising purposes, including but not limited to, integration with platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

  5. User: Any business entity which is registered to the Platform. Accounts creation will be confirmed by us before the platform is usable.

  6. Platform: the wehave data collaboration platform.

  7. Services: data consultancy services.

Article 2 – Acceptance of conditions
Article 2 – Acceptance of conditions
  1. Before User is granted access and is permitted to use the Platform they have to accept these Terms and Conditions.  

  2. The Terms and Conditions are concluded by either (digital) signing of this document or by clicking on the “I agree with the Terms & Conditions on behalf of [your company]” button after signing up for the Platform.

Article 3 – Platform
Article 3 – Platform
  1. The Platform provides User with an account, an interface with dashboards, upload links for data and various integrations with third parties.

  2. Our Platform offers integrations with external platforms, including but not limited to, Facebook Ads. This is necessary in order to enhance the functionality and effectiveness of Data Activation. User is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the concerning external platforms when choosing to use the integrations.

Article 4 – Account
Article 4 – Account
  1. When a User registers with us, we create a designated account for the User on our Platform. User must provide Us with information that is accurate, complete and current.

  2. Account credentials must be kept strictly confidential and secure. wehave is not liable for any unauthorized access or any other possible consequence of failing to keep the account credentials confidential and secure.  

  3. User must notify Us immediately upon becoming aware of any (possible) breach of security or unauthorized use of Users’ account.

  4. User is responsible for all activities that occur in their own account.

  5. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate an account at any time, without prior notification, at our own discretion.

  6. An account grants access to a single user. Misuse of the account by granting access to non-authorized and/or multiple users gives wehave the right to restrict User’s access to the account.

Article 5 – License
Article 5 – License
  1. wehave grants User a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the Platform.  

  2. User will keep all rights belonging to the data they provide to the Platform. However, by providing the data to the Platform, User grants wehave a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to copy, edit, modify, disclose, or distribute this content.  

  3. User confirms and warrants that they have all rights, powers and proxies necessary to grant a license as named in paragraph 2.

Article 6 – Fee
Article 6 – Fee
  1. The price for monthly access to the account will be displayed at billing. Possible additional costs, such as added users, will be communicated before invoicing.

Article 7– Payments
Article 7– Payments
  1. wehave will send invoices before the end of each month.

  2. User will make sure to satisfy the amount due within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice.  

  3. wehave is entitled to adjust the fee annually. User will be notified about such price changes one month in advance.

  4. In case of non-payment wehave has the right to suspend Users’ access to their account, this will not affect the payment obligation.

  5. In case of non-payment, all legal costs and consequences will be for the account of the user.

Article 8 – Service Level
Article 8 – Service Level
  1. The Platform will be periodically updated. These updates will improve the services. User agrees that they accept and will facilitate all updates as necessary. In case wehave is not able to update in a timely manner, because of Users’ conduct or omission, wehave will not be liable for any resulting damages.

  2. Back-ups will be made of user accounts, excluding any data in the platform.

  3. wehave has no liability whatsoever in case of any downtime of the platform.

  4. Support services – wehave will respond to any platform-related inquiries or issues within 72 hours.

  5. Complaints can be sent to hello@wehave.io or by WhatsApp through numbers provided.

Article 9 – Customer Data
Article 9 – Customer Data
  1. Our service allows users to transfer data of their customers to the Platform. User is solely responsible for the accuracy of this data and lawfulness of the transfer.

  2. User indemnifies wehave for all claims resulting from unlawful processing of personal data.  

  3. The data provided by the user will be encrypted at rest and selected identifiers will be hashed (Pseudonymization). All direct personal identifiable information will be removed.

  4. The original data will be completely deleted seven days after being uploaded if not ingested into the platform.

  5. Once User has transferred the data to the Platform, data can be removed on the User's behalf. This includes any data shared with other companies on the platform. Because of the nature of hashing and privacy considerations, we cannot return the original data set.

Article 10 – Intellectual property
Article 10 – Intellectual property
  1. The results as generated and shown on the dashboard are copyright protected. This copyright belongs to wehave.

  2. wehave is entitled to use the trademark and trade name of User for marketing and promotion purposes.

Article 11 – Data Protection
Article 11 – Data Protection
  1. We are a processor within the meaning of article 4(8) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  

  2. You agree to sign our DPA, provided by wehave after signing of this document. DPA will be sent by email.  

  3. The data provided to Us and used on the platform must be collected in compliance with applicable laws and/or regulations.

  4. The User is responsible for ensuring that a valid legal basis exists to transfer the data to the Platform.

Article 12 – Confidentiality
Article 12 – Confidentiality
  1. User hereby undertakes, during the term of these Terms and Conditions and thereafter, not to disclose to any third-party information regarding the data disclosed on the Platform which can be, or should be, deemed to be confidential.

Article 13 – Guarantees
Article 13 – Guarantees
  1. The services are provided “as is”.

  2. We do not guarantee:        

    1. Use of the Platform will meet your requirements;

    2. The use of the Platform can take place without interruption;

    3. The information you may obtain through use of our service is reliable;

    4. Direct marketing results will improve.

Article 14 – Liability
Article 14 – Liability
  1. The liability of wehave will in no event exceed the total amount of fees actually paid by User during the last 3 months immediately preceding to the event giving rise to such claim.

  2. wehave is not liable for any consequential loss or damages, including but not limited to loss of revenue, profits or business opportunities, loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or inaccessible.

Article 15 – Indemnification
Article 15 – Indemnification
  1. User shall indemnify wehave against any third-party claims arising out of or attributable to any breach of its legal (including under data protection laws), contractual obligations, or infringement of any third-party right.

Article 16 - Termination
Article 16 - Termination
  1. Termination can be done monthly by email.

Article 17 – Miscellaneous
Article 17 – Miscellaneous
  1. wehave is entitled to transfer these Terms and Conditions or any of its rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to a third party without the prior written consent of the User.

  2. This Agreement can be amended by wehave. wehave will notify 4 weeks prior to the amendments go into effect.

  3. These Terms and Conditions and the implementation thereof will be governed by Belgian law.

  4. Any dispute that may arise between the parties in connection with these Terms and Conditions will be referred to the court of competent jurisdiction in Antwerp.